SCDA22 key speakers

We are glad to announce the key speakers of the 9th International conference ‘Scientific communication in the digital age’.

 Tetiana Yaroshenko, Vice-President for Research and IT of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, founder of the SCDA conference. Tetiana has more than 25 years of managerial experience as a successful manager (Director of the NaUKMA Scientific Library, Vice-President for Informatization — 2006-2011, Vice-President for Research and IT — 2015 – present). Teaching experience – more than 20 years, in NaUKMA Tetiana teaches courses “Digital Science” (PhD level) and “Introduction to Kyiv-Mohyla Studies” (bachelor level). During her public and professional activities she has participated in many professional associations and societies: since 2008 — Executive Director of NGO “ELibUkr: Electronic Library of Ukraine”, NGO “Ukrainian Fulbright Circle” (President in 2013-2017, since 2017 – Member of the Board), member of expert councils or working groups of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Book Institute, etc. Since 2017, Tetiana is the head of the Center for Digital Research & Scholarship at NaUKMA. Tetiana is the author of more than 100 publications on e-resource management, scientific communication, open science and open access, etc. Google Scholar’s H-Index is 14.

Tykhonkova Iryna Oleksandrivna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Clarivate Regional Solutions Consultant. More than 15 years of experience as the editor of the scientific journal Biopolymers and Cell. 10 years of teaching at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Her research interests include cell signaling pathways in biology, the interrelationship of scientific ideas, the presentation of scientific research, applied scientometrics, and academic ethics. Over the past 5 years, she conducted more than 500 seminars in Ukrainian institutions and more than 200 webinars, which discussed resources for research, scientific databases, tools to help reserchers work more effectively, including reference managers, author profiles, scientometrics, open access, academic integrity, assessment of science, warnings against dishonest publications and incorrect assessments.

  Renaine Julian is the Director of STEM Libraries at Florida State University. In this role, he oversees a team of science librarians and staff that provide support for STEM scholars across the research and learning lifecycles. Prior to that, Renaine served at Florida State University as a Data Research Librarian, STEM Data and Research Librarian, as well as the Associate Director for STEM Libraries.

Nick Ruhs, PhD, is the STEM data and research librarian at Florida State University (FSU) in Tallahassee, FL. He leads the development of data services for STEM scholars at FSU and provides support on topics related to research data management and data information literacy.  Prior to joining FSU Libraries, Nick earned a doctor of philosophy (PhD) in chemistry from Washington University in St. Louis. While at FSU, he has taught numerous workshops and classroom instruction sessions on research data management, data literacy, information literacy, and various data analysis and visualization software. His current research interests include research data services and data literacy for undergraduate students, and the intersection between media literacy and data literacy. He currently serves on several professional committees and boards, including as a member of the Data Management Plan Tool (DMPTool) Editorial Board and as Secretary of the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Division of Chemical Information (CINF).

Tetiana Hranchak, senior researcher of the V.I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine will share her experience and the vision of contemporary scientific communication. She is also the professor of the information technology department at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Doctor of Science in social communications, and member of Ukrainian Library Association presidium.

David P. Schmidt is the associate professor of business ethics in the Dolan School of Business and director of the Patrick J. Waide Center for Applied Ethics at Fairfield University. He authored Wake-Up Calls: Classic Cases in Business Ethics, 2nd edition. His Ph.D. in social ethics was completed at the University of Chicago. For over 35 years Dr. Schmidt has consulted with Fortune 500 corporations, investment and savings banks, professional and trade associations, and universities and religious institutions. He designs and leads training programs, composes ethics codes and mission statements, and provides resources for policymaking. In his spare time, he runs marathons and plays jazz guitar.

David Lowe is the Digital Collections Management Librarian in the Office of Scholarly Communication at Texas A&M University Libraries, where he was recently selected as a 2021 Texas A&M Institute of Data Science Career Initiation Fellow.  His work responsibilities include policies and procedures covering digital collections and the institutional repository in the Libraries.  His research interests include applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to text mining in a scholarly communication and digital humanities context, with digital collections as data.  An an undergraduate, he studied in Kharkiv, Ukraine and went on to pursue graduate studies in Slavistics before turning to librarianship.

Dr. Oleksandr Berezko is an associated professor at the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities of Lviv Politechnic National University (Ukraine). Oleksandr holds a Ph.D. degree in mathematical and software support of computer systems. He published more than 60 research papers and a monograph in online information management, social media, and scholarly communication. Oleksandr is actively advocating for Open Science on the National and International levels. Since 2021 he has been coordinating the Ministerial Working Group on the National Plan for Open Science development in Ukraine and representing Ukraine in CoNOSC (Council for National Open Science Coordination). He is also the project manager of OPTIMA (Erasmus+ capacity building project aimed at bringing Open Science practices to Ukrainian academia). Oleksandr is the General Board Member and Open Science Ambassador of Eurodoc.